Everyday Life
Master daily life with your dog. Our posts offer tips for joyful, safe, and fulfilling days. From routines to adventures to training, allowing you to easier embrace every moment with your dog.
Discover the importance of a healthy canine topline—from proper posture and muscle development to conformation standards—and how to support your dog’s spine.
Discover effective strategies for preventing Lyme disease in dogs—plus a detailed guide on safely removing ticks and spotting early symptoms.
The world of canine care has evolved remarkably over the years. As we discover more about the intricacies of their anatomy, new techniques and treatments emerge to address the myriad of health issues they face. Among these is skin rolling, a method primarily focusing on the fascia, particularly the subcutaneous fascia.
Having a dog as a running buddy is not only fun but also motivates you to maintain a consistent exercise routine. Despite their enthusiasm to run alongside you, it's crucial to understand certain factors before you start running with them. This article sheds light on one of the most overlooked aspects affecting your dog's health - their gait pattern.
In the realm of canine health, ticks remain a topic of considerable concern, provoking both disdain and anxiety among pet owners. This article seeks to provide guidance on one particular aspect of dealing with these pesky parasites - their removal, and the best tools to facilitate this process.
Welcome to a subject that every dog owner needs to be well versed in - the correct method of lifting your dog. Yes, it might seem straightforward, but a surprising number of injuries can occur from incorrect dog lifting techniques. If you've ever found yourself second-guessing your dog-lifting methods, this article will shed light on the proper way to do it.
If you've recently experienced a significant snowfall, you may have noticed a phenomenon that seems to affect a number of dogs: they end up feeling sore after romping around in the fresh blanket of white. This is particularly true for dogs like my own, Bo, who is no spring chicken but still displays a puppy's enthusiasm whenever the landscape transforms into a winter wonderland.
The correct selection and fitting of a dog harness can significantly influence your pet's comfort, health, and overall well-being. Not all harnesses are created equal, and understanding how to choose and fit one correctly is crucial. In this guide, we delve into the key features to consider when selecting a dog harness and fitting it properly.
Recognizing the signs of deteriorating joint health in dogs who have undergone TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) surgery can be challenging, particularly if the surgical procedure happened in the past. This guide aims to equip you with the knowledge needed to identify potential issues, making you more aware of your pet's health status.
When it comes to discussing posture, our conversations frequently revolve around humans. However, it's equally crucial to observe and comprehend the posture of our canine companions. This is where the concept of "Top Line" enters, a term often ignored in everyday pet-related discussions. This article will explain what the Top Line is, how to evaluate it, and why it's of paramount importance.
Hip troubles are among the most frequent health problems dog owners have to face, with complaints varying from hip dysplasia to hip arthritis or abnormal strain caused by exercise. This article aims to equip you with knowledge and strategies to combat these issues in a more effective and dog-friendly manner.
The iliopsoas muscle, a significant part of your dog's anatomy, plays an integral role in managing back pain, particularly in those suffering from hind end weakness, degenerative discs, or disc herniation. Understanding this muscle's functionality and mastering techniques to alleviate its strain can significantly enhance your pet's quality of life.
As pet owners, our furry companions' well-being is a top priority. One essential aspect of their health that often goes overlooked is neurological well-being. With this in mind, we've put together a simple guide on how to check your dog for neurological signs at home.
As a pet owner, it's natural to be concerned about your dog's well-being, especially when it comes to their comfort and health. One common question that often arises is how to determine if a dog is in pain. Thankfully, there are simple ways to gauge whether your furry companion is experiencing discomfort. In this article, we will explore three key indicators that can help you better understand what your dog may be going through.
Are you puzzled about the differences between a simple muscle strain and a more severe ligament or joint injury in your canine companion? Today, let's decode the signs and symptoms associated with these health issues, so you can make informed decisions about your dog's wellbeing.
Many pet owners consider their furry friends to be an integral part of the family. Just like humans, dogs can also benefit from specialized healthcare services, including chiropractic care. In this article, we will explore the world of animal chiropractic and its potential benefits for dogs. We will also discuss the importance of regular check-ups and adjustments to ensure your canine companion's overall well-being and mobility. Let's delve into the fascinating field of dog chiropractic care and discover how it can positively impact your pet's life.
Today, we delve into a vital aspect of your dog's wellbeing that is frequently neglected - maintaining short, well-trimmed nails. As an experienced animal chiropractor, I regularly treat dogs with mechanical injuries, often of degenerative or acute inflammatory nature. However, a common issue that pet owners frequently overlook is the long nails of their dogs which inadvertently imposes additional strain on their bodies.
It's no secret that many pet owners are anxious about cutting their dog's nails. This fear often stems from not wanting to cause unnecessary stress to their pets or accidentally causing harm by cutting the nails too short. However, it's crucial to remember that maintaining your dog's nails at an appropriate length is not just about aesthetics; it's an essential aspect of their overall health and well-being.